Saturday, February 7, 2009

eHow Article: "How To Invest Your IRA Funds In Real Estate Tax Deferred"

Would you like to invest in a Real Estate investment such as a Raw Land Development but don't have money available to do?

Guess again!

What about your IRA account or your 401K funds? What, your account doesn't offer you the option of investing in such things? Well, you're in the majority, but not stuck there if you don't want to be.

On February 2, 2009, I wrote an article for titled:

"How To Invest Your IRA Funds In Real Estate Tax Deferred"

The article explains that most people are restricted by the institution who manages their IRA in the type of investments that they can invest in. Fully 96% of IRA accounts today are invested primarily in what are called "Traditional Assets" which mostly include things like stocks, bonds and mutual funds. As a result, most IRA investment portfolios are at great risk in the event of a financial market downturn. And if this downturn is severe enough, it could wipe out a person's retirement savings or certainly set their retirement plans back for many years. Why is that?

The reason is, to be 'properly' diversified, an investment portfolio should be invested in BOTH Traditional Assets AND 'Alternative Investments' (which include assets like real estate, precious metals, oil & gas and commodities, to name just a few.) This is because Alternative Investments have price movements that are different from Traditional Assets, thereby reducing the risk within a portfolio and at the same time, increasing overall returns. To learn more about this, please view my article and video below:

Article: "How To Properly Diversify Your Retirement Investment Portfolio"

Video: "How To Properly Diversify Your Investment Portfolio For Safe Investing"

Now here is the problem: 96% of investors' IRA accounts do not even OFFER Alternative Investments. Their IRA institutions only offer Traditional Investments. Therefore, people don't have a choice to properly diversify their IRA retirement portfolios.

What can you do about it?

For starters, you should read my article above titled "How To Invest Your IRA Funds In Real Estate Tax Deferred". It will explain the simple steps necessary to start investing in Alternative Assets like Raw Land Developments within your IRA account tax deferred by converting to a 'Self Directed IRA'.

For FREE independent financial advice about safe investing and retirement, visit my website at: I specialize in the safest money investments and the best HIGH YIELD safe investments, particularly in raw land development. (Please fill out the Contact Form on my website if you have questions that the website couldn't answer.)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Reuters News Article: "U.S. Housing Market Bottom Within Sight"

On February 5, 2009, Reuters published a news article by Julie Haviv titled:

"U.S. Housing Market Bottom Within Sight"

The article cites a report generated by Moody's titled "Housing In Crisis: When Will Metro Markets Recover?" - an analysis that has been cited by top advisers in the Obama administration in relation to the U.S. economic stimulus package.

Here are a few of the key points in the Reuters article:
  • A bottom is within sight, likely in the 4th quarter of 2009 nationally.
  • An improvement could portend a turnaround for the U.S. economy & help stop losses at U.S. banks.
  • Positive signs: inventories are flattening, prices are more reasonable & sales are nearing stability.
  • From peak to trough, total U.S. home sales will have dropped by 40% & housing starts by 70%.
  • The outlook assumes action by U.S. policymakers with regard to the economic stimulus package.
To view the Reuters article, click on the article title in italics above.

For FREE independent financial advice about safe investing and retirement, visit my website at: I specialize in the safest money investments and the best HIGH YIELD safe investments, particularly in raw land development. (Please fill out the Contact Form on my website if you have questions that the website couldn't answer.)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Press Release: "Latest Population Projections Predict A Land Development 'Gold Rush' In 10 U.S. Markets"

A press release from my company, Professional Sales Co., was distributed on February 3, 2009 summarizing the findings of several well-known sources including the U.S. Census Bureau and titled:

"Latest Population Projections Predict A Land Development 'Gold Rush' In 10 U.S. Markets"

The fact is, this raw land development "gold rush" is already underway. Raw land is being gobbled up by savvy investors and land developers in these 10 U.S. markets at a hectic pace. But there is a long way to go and great opportunities are available for informed investors to participate in this land development explosion for the next 25 years!

To read the press release, click on the title in italics above for a direct link.

For FREE independent financial advice about safe investing and retirement, visit my website at: I specialize in the safest money investments and the best HIGH YIELD safe investments, particularly in raw land development. (Please fill out the Contact Form on my website if you have questions that the website couldn't answer.)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

High Yield Safe Investments

A lot of people today have been stung by the current financial conditions, whether in stocks or otherwise. And, as a result, many are running for cover and seeking the safest money investments they can find to shelter their assets until the U.S. economy turns around.

We're seeing many investors now moving their money into investments like cash and "Treasuries" (EE bonds, etc.) that aren't even going to keep pace with inflation. And although they aren't happy about losing money on any investment, they are settling for losing a little versus losing a lot somewhere else (e.g. the stock market).

I too have taken a more conservative approach with my investment portfolio, but I would like you to understand that you can still find excellent high yield safe investments right now if you know where to look! That's the key: most people don't know where to look, so they are settling for break-even or money-losing investments, when they really don't have to.

"You can still find low risk, high yielding investments without having to settle for break-even or money-losing assets like cash and treasuries! And I'm going to tell you how and where to find them."

In future blogs, I am going to share information about one of the best high yield safe investments that an investor can make: Professionally Managed Raw Land Developments. They have been cornerstone investments for many of the world's wealthiest investors for generations because they can deliver BOTH asset security and superior yields. Best of all, they are expected to flourish for the next 25 years due to projected population growth. And I will be explaining why, how and where this is happening. So, please stay tuned!

For FREE independent financial advice about safe investing and retirement, visit my website at: I specialize in the safest money investments and the best HIGH YIELD safe investments, particularly in raw land development. (Please fill out the Contact Form on my website if you have questions that the website couldn't answer.)
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